Planning the Home Orchard 10-12 May 2019 A healthy, diverse and attractive home orchard is a long-term investment. A well planned orchard can integrate aspects from permaculture, food forests and organics to suit your needs, climate and lifestyle. Come stay in our home, eating the produce from our own mature food forest and see for yourself how the theories work in practice while we brainstorm your own orchard plan. |
See over 200 named fruit, nut and berry plants in a mature, productive orchard.
Discuss what has worked (and failed) in our situation, and how it can apply to you.
See the long-term results of different pruning and pest management strategies
Compare various tools and learn tool maintenance
Talk with a qualified mechanic (hubby) who has designed and built several versatile orchard tractors. Discuss what qualities are important when buying your own machines. Learn how and when to do basic mechanical maintenance.
Plant a tree and see how care at this time can give massive returns.
Discuss different harvesting methods and how to plant and prune to accommodate this.
Learn about all-important orchard hygiene and easy strategies to implement it.
Discuss different mulching, composting and fertilising strategies to suit a home orchard.
Receive my most successful organic pest control recipes.
Discuss and see various understoreys, and understorey and grass management.
Discuss and see options for shelter and riparian planting.
And most importantly - devise a plan to suit your own needs and situation.
Arrive Friday evening and stay until Sunday afternoon.
You will be provided home-grown organic food, shared accommodation, and be supplied with a booklet of notes.
Bring aerial photos, plans or a sketch of your property, and a list of your requirements.
We will collectively spend time focusing on each participant - giving suggestions and ideas specific to your orchard.
You will leave with a head buzzing full of ideas and a wealth of tips and knowledge that you can apply to your own situation.
Cost $300 per person, $500 per couple
Numbers limited, registration essential - contact us.
You will be provided home-grown organic food, shared accommodation, and be supplied with a booklet of notes.
Bring aerial photos, plans or a sketch of your property, and a list of your requirements.
We will collectively spend time focusing on each participant - giving suggestions and ideas specific to your orchard.
You will leave with a head buzzing full of ideas and a wealth of tips and knowledge that you can apply to your own situation.
Cost $300 per person, $500 per couple
Numbers limited, registration essential - contact us.
What people have said:
A lovely group of people which really added to the course. I like how Sheryn is non-judgmental about different gardening philosophies.
And an unexpected bonus to be going home with lots of cuttings!
Catherine is renovating an overgrown garden in the Waikato.
Hospitality has been extraordinary. Creativity, knowledge and humour bounces from the insides to the out. Did I mention the food?
I should have mentioned the food.
So happy I came. I really should have mentioned the food.
Mary is an experienced permaculturist who grows food for her whanau on her block in Hawkes Bay. I think she just came for the food!
Thank you for the stunning venue, stunning food and your generous nature of sharing everything you know and have.
Wow! I am so much awe - have had a really wonderful learning experience.
Christine has a block for her horses north of Auckland where she wants to plant some productive trees.
I'm capable of researching and finding out info, but this offered an opportunity to learn together, be inspired and
meet new people with similar interests. Also want to say that no matter where we were on the knowledge scale, I don't think anyone
felt stupid or didn't know enough. That's empowering to people to learn. Great value for money!
Sandy and Steve are developing a bare block in the Waikato.
A lovely group of people which really added to the course. I like how Sheryn is non-judgmental about different gardening philosophies.
And an unexpected bonus to be going home with lots of cuttings!
Catherine is renovating an overgrown garden in the Waikato.
Hospitality has been extraordinary. Creativity, knowledge and humour bounces from the insides to the out. Did I mention the food?
I should have mentioned the food.
So happy I came. I really should have mentioned the food.
Mary is an experienced permaculturist who grows food for her whanau on her block in Hawkes Bay. I think she just came for the food!
Thank you for the stunning venue, stunning food and your generous nature of sharing everything you know and have.
Wow! I am so much awe - have had a really wonderful learning experience.
Christine has a block for her horses north of Auckland where she wants to plant some productive trees.
I'm capable of researching and finding out info, but this offered an opportunity to learn together, be inspired and
meet new people with similar interests. Also want to say that no matter where we were on the knowledge scale, I don't think anyone
felt stupid or didn't know enough. That's empowering to people to learn. Great value for money!
Sandy and Steve are developing a bare block in the Waikato.